“The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy”

– Joseph Pilates

What is Pilates?


Pilates is an innovative system of mind-body exercises developed from the rehabilitation exercise program of Joseph Pilates. Joseph Pilates called his method “Contrology” as it is the art of controlled movements. Pilates exercises focus on postural symmetry and core control to facilitate optimal movement of the spine, hips, shoulders, muscular flexibility, joint mobility and strengthening the complete range of motion of all joints. Rather than isolating muscle groups, the whole body is trained, integrating the upper and lower extremities with the trunk. Pilates focuses on quality of movement over repetition and if practiced with consistency, it will improve proprioception, movement patterns, posture, and flexibility. There is a strong emphasis on skeletal alignment and proper breathing through the movements, which helps develop a functionally strong core while improving biomechanics, coordination, and balance. By emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and complete concentration on smooth flowing movement, you become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how to control the movement. The exercises are designed to strengthen and elongate muscles without adding bulk, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility, resulting in a more balanced and flexible body less susceptible to injury. Pilates strengthens the mind as much as the body and you will learn the value of thinking about what you are doing to maximize the benefits of each exercise.

Nine Principles of Pilates Movement


Refers to mental focus. The mind-body connection is fostered through concentration.


Fluid Movement

The fluidity of movement is skeletal movement, the movement of the bones at the joints.


It is the neuromuscular system that directs the amount of control you have of your movement. The nervous system is the control center that sends the message to the muscle, tissues, and connective tissue to move the bones.


Skeletal Alignment

Refers to the way the bones line up in relation to each other. If the alignment of the bones improves, as does movement fluidity, efficiency, and joint mobility


“Core stabilization” or “Core Control”. The center is the area of the torso that spans from the rib cage to the pelvis. To find your center means to provide support for the lumbar spine and this core control is emphasized through all Pilates movements.



Precise movement means efficient muscle recruitment and minimum expenditure of energy


For optimal movement, focus on breath with movement. When breathing is efficient, there is a co-contraction of the diaphragm, pelvic floor, multifidi, transverse abdominus, obliques, serratus anterior, and rhomboids.



The first seven principles need to be learned before training endurance in movement. Endurance must come after accuracy



Release at certain joints is imperative to achieve meaningful strength gains, as it is difficult to condition the muscles surrounding a joint if the joint is stuck in some way.

*Source: Body Harmonics